

Create an app through a formAutomate payrollBusiness databaseEmployee management systems

Unistack is a highly customizable human resource management platform that suits every business need. Our platform offers customizable database tools to smoothly run the internal operations of a company.

Create An App Through A Form

Create customized forms according to your business’ needs. You can create and manage a database for each app and even have separate dashboards for each app or form.

Create An App Through A Form
Automate Your Payroll

Automate Your Payroll

Payday doesn’t have to tire you out. Automate your payroll system and even sync it with our attendance management feature. Spend less time sorting out payrolls and more time doing what you do best.

Business Database

Contain important information about your business, customers, and employees in one single location. Unistack makes management simple and efficient.

Business Database
Employee Management Systems

Employee Management Systems

Manage staff hiring, attendance, and productivity with a single system.

Want To Get Started?

Are you ready to get started with Unistack? Click on the button below to get started now.

Why Choose Unicodez Products?

Customizable and Flexible Features

We design products for real people with unique needs.


Our solutions are designed just for you. We make sure it fits like a glove.

Seamless Integration

We carefully design integration strategies as we create your product or software. The key to seamless integration lies in collaboration and data exchange. We make it feel natural.

Usable and Efficient

Our products work how and when they should.

Security & Safety

Our products are designed to offer security against malware, viruses, and hacker attacks.

Want To Get Started?

Are you ready to get started with Unistack? Click on the button below to get started now.

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